tisdag 6 augusti 2019


This is my first post in a blog that, i hope, will continue for a number of years. The length of this blog will depend on how my little project evolves...

What is my project you ask? Well, let me start from the beginning.

I have for a very long time wanted to create a video game, but i thought it impossible when seeing all  those AAA productions out there. I'm not even good at drawing or all that advanced math needed to draw all fancy 3D graphics. So until a few weeks ago i never made anything of my dream - until i purchased an indie game that turned out to be a one man production. The name of the game i bought is Chronicon. The graphics are very simple - but it works, and the game is fun - and it has sold quite well i believe. And it took 4 or 5 years to develop . This made me start rethinking my earlier decision not to write a game.

So, i started writing an  ARPG - or Action role playing game - or hack n slash. This was maybe 3 weeks ago. Today i have some very basic functionality such as the ability to walk around on the map and hit my enemies with a single, unanimated whirlwind attack. Not very fun at this point!
I have also made a level designer that will make the level creation a breeze.

I saw that game assets can be purchased on the net - so i don't have to use my own hideous creations. So far i have bought a wasp, and it's in the game. You can see it and its friends hunting and stinging the hero.

So why am i writing this blog then and not code for my game you ask?

Well, my experience from past projects tells me that i will drop in enthusiasm at some point, but if my development gets some attention from an audience then maybe that will inspire me to continue working for all those years to come.

For those technical geeks out there that want to know whats under the hood - then i'm writing this purely in Javascript for the web browser. I intend to use webgl for sprite drawing at some point, but i need to learn it first. I won't have to change much when switching rendering tech.

Ok i think that will do for an initial post. I have attached a screenshot of the game as it looks today. The hero is (hopefully) just a placeholder..

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